Sportcity Grand Prix - 1 June - Results + Report + Video Links + Photos

Races: 31
Finishers: 384
PB's: 167 (43%)
Power of Ten: Here

Available at - HERE

Photos from the meeting can be seen HERE

Mens 800m A Mens 800m A Mens 5000m A
Mens 800m A 450m Mens 800m A Finish Mens 5000m A
Mens 1500m A Mens 1500m A
Mens 1500m A 750m Mens 1500m A Finish
Womens 1500m A Womens 5000m A
Womens 1500m A Womens 5000m A
Womens 800m A Womens 800m A Womens 800m A
Womens 800m A Break Womens 800m A Womens 800m A Finish
Courtesy of Adrian Royle


European U20 Richard Charles 1:48.30
European U20 Loren Bleaken 2:05.18
World U18 Molly Long 2:06.30
World U18 Chelsea Jarvis 2:06.33
World U18 Emily Jenkinson 2:07.91

European U20 James McMurray – 3:43.08
European U20 Matt McLaughlin – 3:43.26
European U20 Shaun Wyllie – 3:44.19
European U20 Lewis Lloyd 3:46.72

World U8 Booby Clay - 9:24.99
World U18 Bronwen Owen - 9:30.50

European U23 John McDonnell – 13:57.19
European U20 Michael Callegari – 14:21.53
European U20 Emelia Gorecka – 15:35.82
European U23 Kate Avery – 15:49.41
European U20 Rebecca Weston 15;59.97
European U20 Alex Clay - 16:30.88


Men’s 800 A-B RACES

Rory Graham-Watson said after his success that he refers to let his spikes do the talking and that is exactly what he did as he ran a personal best of 1:47.79 to win the A race.
“I don’t set public targets as it is easy to talk and harder to back it up,” said Graham-Watson.
“I am really surprised with that win as I was only a 1:48.9 man last season and I came unstuck a few times kicking from 300 metres out and then dying. I am paying the other guys more respect now and trying to hold something back for the finish although that last 20 metres was a bit of a blur.
“I have to be pleased with that as I beat some good guys who are quicker than me.”
Runner-up Oliver Aitchinson just missed the Euro U23 qualifying mark of 1:48.00 by 0.14secs as he also clocked a PB but in fourth Shaftesbury Barnet’s Richard Charles dipped under the European U20 qualifying standard of 1:49.00 with 1:48.30.
Joseph Maynard also surprised himself and coach – his dad Darrell – by running a PB of 1:48.28 in third having raced the previous Thursday evening in Riga and admitting to being jaded before the start.
In eighth Tonbridge junior Sean Molloy fell short of the 1:49 qualifying – though he did it last year with his PB of 1:48.24 – as he clocked 1:50.30.
Paul Bradshaw, who was prominent up the back straight, failed to finish with coach Maynard explaining that he was jet-lagged and feeling jaded after a long trip home from a few days earlier.
The B race saw a tremendous tussle between Jake Wightman and Chris Warburton. Drawing on his experience Warburton attempted to ease his way through on the inside after Wightman had taken the race by the scruff of the neck in the last 200m.
But the 18-year-old’s boldness and confidence, which must be sky-high after his recent PB of 3:43.74 to go third on the UK U20 Rankings, was rewarded with top spot although both runners were awarded the same time of 1:49.27. For Wightman it was a PB by over two seconds as he broke 1:50 for the first time.
“That is my first proper 800m and I will take that time any day,” said Wightman.
Further back Carl Hill and Louis Rawlins were also rewarded with new PBs.

There were season’s bests of 1:51.82 and 1:52.17 for Graeme Oudney and Mark Patterson respectively in the C race while in the D race fast-finishing Luke Betts clocked a season’s best of 1:52.24 to overhaul 19-year-old Jamie Webb, who was rewarded with a PB of 1:52.68. There was also PB of 1:53.09 for Daniel Gurton in fourth.
“That’s my best race so far this season as I was really disappointed with my performance at Solihull,” said Betts
Cameron Boyek showed a welcome return to form with a season’s best of 1:51.96 to easily win the E race and put behind him his recent problems.
“I had a nightmare winter as a stress response injury to my right tibia kept me out of training for three months,” said Boyek.
“It is great to be back and for 700 metres I felt really strong tonight. My targets for this season had been the European U23 Championships and trying to get the Scottish qualifying time for the Commonwealth Games next year but after the injury that changed.
“I’m not sure if I will be fit enough for the trials yet so we’ll have to wait and see.”
In the F race there was a PB of 1:53.04 for winner Jamaine Coleman while Tom Watson also recorded a PB of 1:52.04 to win the G race with Grant Muir sealing a Scottish one-two.
But Ryan Buck found that a PB of 1:55.36 wasn’t quite enough to beat Oliver James in the H race.

The ethos of the BMC races was not better exemplified than by teenager Loren Bleaken in the 800m A race. The 17-year-old tracked the pacemaker to reach the bell in 59 seconds with the pack somewhat adrift.
Left on her own for the second lap Bleaken dug deep and kept her form, though understandably tiring in the final 100 metres, to win with a season’s best time of 2:05.18.
That it was just a fraction off her PB of 2:04.59 set at the BMC regional race in Exeter last July was irrelevant because on Saturday Bleaken’s mission had been to run under the European U20 qualifying standard of 2mins 06secs.
“I did what I came here to do and I am so happy,” said a beaming Bleaken who just couldn’t stop smiling.
The chasing pack certainly benefitted from Bleaken’s brave tactics as they fought amongst themselves to not only close the gap but produce a number of top performances.
Runner-up was Carolyn Plateau with a season’s best of 2:06.06 and the next three girls were all rewarded with PBs – 20-year-old Rebecca Linney clocked 2:06.25 in third, 16-year-old Molly Long smashed her PB and dripped well inside the World Youth qualifying of 2:08 with 2:06.30 and 17-year-old Chelsea Jarvis clocked 2:06.33 in fifth.
Long’s time cements her place at the top of the UK U17 Rankings and puts her in with a great chance of being selected for the GB team to travel to the Ukraine next month. The teenager from Padstow in Cornwall, boasted a PB of 2:09.44 in 2012 and this summer she has bettered that with 2:08.62 in Solihull and now 2:06.30.
“I can’t believe I ran that fast, I’m thrilled with that run,” said Long as she celebrated with Bleaken
There was a Norwegian one-two in the B race with both girls recording personal bests with 19-year-old Birmingham University student Sarah McDonald also running a PB of 2:07.29 in third.
Southampton 16-year-old Emily Jenkinson won the C race in a PB of 2:07.91 with 17-year-old Georgie Hartigan third, also in a lifetime best of 2:08.08. Sandwiched in-between was 22-year-old Jenny Tan with a season’s best of 2:07.91 on her return from injury.
Dartford Harriers’ Megan Edwards was an emphatic winner of the D race in a PB of 2:09.40 while the E race saw a terrific duel between Banchory Stonehaven’s Kelsey Stewart and Norwich athlete Kelly Rushton, with the 16-year-old from Scotland prevailing by just 0.03secs as both runners claimed PBs.
“That’s a huge PB for me by three seconds as I normally race over 300m and 400m,” said Stewart. “But 800m could be the future for me.”
The F race witnessed another PB for 15-year-old Middlesbrough athlete Philippa Stone.

MEN’S 1500M
Philip Hurst struck hard in the final 300 metres to overhaul Steve Mitchell, who had followed the pacemaker and claim a notable victory in a personal best time of 3:41.10. Not that the 22-year-old Elswick athlete as overly happy with his performance.
“I’m gutted as I wanted 3:39,” said Hurst.
Still, he shouldn’t feel too disappointed as he did produce a PB, claimed some decent scalps and also inspired the next four runners behind him to also record PBs.
“It was also my first win in a Grand Prix A race so that’s not bad,” added Hurst.
Cardiff’s Tom Marshall, just back from Tulsa University n America, was runner-up with 3:41.87 and Richard Weir third on 3:42.25. There were also PBs for Eoin Everard and Darren McBrearty while in seventh 18-year-old James McMurray improved his best again to 3:43.08 from 3:45.65 in Solihull.
That is the fastest time outdoors by a British U20 athlete this season and significantly McMurray just beat fellow junior Matt Mclaughlin who is top of the rankings by virtue of his indoor best.
Both runners will go head-to-head in the U20 trials at Bedford in what should be an intriguing contest.
An impressive tally of nine PBs from 14 finishers was completed by Alex Cornwell, Liam Markham and Andrew Buchart.
Joining McMurray and Mclaughlin in the European U20 trials will be 18-year-old Shaun Wylie of Bracknell, who enhanced his credentials with a PB of 3:44.19 to win the B race, carving over four seconds from his previous best set a month ago in Watford.
Six of the next seven runners recorded PBs including 3:45.00 for 22-year-old Andrew Heyes in fourth.
Alex Tovey crashed to the track at the finish of the C race but had done enough to hold off fast-finishing Dan Studley for victory.
“I felt strong until that last 10 metres when my legs just went,” said Tovey. “But that was only a fraction off my PB (3:45.58) so it shows I am in decent shape and it is now about time I broke my PB.”
After a disappointing race at Solihull Studley was delighted with his PB of 3:45.76 as were the next three – Steven Fennell, Richard Morrell and Lewis Lloyd – who all recorded lifetime bests.
Lloyd’s was the most significant as the 19-year-old time was inside the European U20 qualifying standard – the eighth British junior to achieve that this summer.
Border’s Kevin Bell led seven more PBs in the D race as he ran 3:48.92 and Mansfield’s Stuart King won the E race with the trio of Nicholas Lingley, Ryan Moore and Luke Johnston all puled to PBs behind him.
Vale Royal’s 17-year-old Michael Vennard, who is coached by former British international Andy Carter, won the F race in a PB of 3:55.74 with the top four also clocking lifetime bests while the top seven all broke four minutes.
Finally in the G race of the 15 runners there were seven PBs and six season’s bests, including winner Jack Nixon with the 19-year-old from Stockport just missing his PB by 0.11secs.

Irish international Laura Crowe of the An Riocht club has been better known as an 800m runner in the past but is now making a serous step up to the 1500m. On the evidence of Saturday it is proving a good decision as she smashed her PB to win the A race with 4:12.25.
“I moved up to 1500m last year and things are going really well for me,” said Crowe, who is based in Cork.
“It is still new territory for me but I am making progress and I am hoping I might get into the Ireland team for the European Cup.”
Morag MacLarty was disappointed with 4:14.74 in second having enjoyed a big gap over Crowe at one stage but 23-year-old Rachael Bamford pleased with PB of 4:16.38 in third.
“I have been trying to get the Scottish qualifying time of 4:10.5 for the Commonwealth Games and that should be well within me but it is just not happening at the moment,” said MacLarty.
“I am very disappointed as I am in better shape than that.”
Fresh from completing her first year at Columbia University Bristol & West AC’s Olivia Sadler produced a strong finish to win the B race in 4:27.70 but the 19-year-old needs quicker to challenge for the European U20s qualifying standard of 4:20 as her season’s best is 4:27.09 compared to her 2012 PB of 4:23.38.
“I was looking for a quicker time but at least I got something out of the race as it was good to win,” said Sadler.
Guernsey’s Sarah Mercier was second in 4:28.69 and in third Samantha Johnson recorded a PB of 4:29.30. There were also PBs for 15-year-old Warrington runner Harriet Knowles-Jones in fourth with a time of 4:29.43 that clipped virtually two seconds off her best and lifted her to second on the UK Rankings and 19-year-old Molly Renfer in fifth (4:29.85).
The top four in the C race all clocked PBs with Derby’s Natalie Shaw winning in 4:30.35 from Tamara Armoush (4:31.65), 15-year-old Hannah Nuttall (4:32.87) and 17-year-old Tessa McCormick (4:33.55).


In her first race since finishing 16th in the Under 20s age group at the World Cross Country Championships in Poland 19-year-old Emelia Gorecka won the A race in a time of 15:35.82 to just miss her PB of 15:34.21 which she in the BMC Watford Grand Prix last year.
“I really surprised myself tonight as I didn’t think I was that fit,” said Gorecka.
Gorecka showed strength, a good turn of speed and no little determination on the final lap to clinch a morale-boosting victory. Having relinquished the lead at the bell when Poland runner Dominika Nowakowska overtook her Gorecka responded immediately to forge clear down the back straight and finished very strongly to suggest a big PB is within reach in the near future.
Nowakowska ran a PB of 15:38.30 in second and there was a season’s best of 15:39.47 for Laura Whittle in third.
Among an impressive 16 PBs and six SBs from a field of 22 runners 21-year-old Kate Avery ran a season’s best of 15:49.41 which was inside the European U23 qualifying mark of 16:05 while 18-year-old Rebecca Weston’s PB of 15:59.97 was a European U20 standard as was Alex Clay’s 16:30.88.
Just behind her marathon runner Alyson Dixon showed good speed with a PB of 16:00.10.
Within the 5000m was incorporated a 3000m race, complete with electronic timing, to give Bobby Clay and Bronwen Owen the chance to achieve the qualifying time of 9mins 35secs for the World U18 Championships in the Ukraine.
Both 16-year-olds relished that opportunity with Clay pushing to the front of the field in the closing stages to cross the line in 9:24.99.
“I knew I had to push the pace hard and I am delighted to run a PB by 10 seconds and I really enjoyed the race,” said Clay.
Owen finished just behind with a PB of 9:50.50 as the pair went to the top of the UK Rankings.

MEN’S 5000M
Jonathan Taylor took some satisfaction in winning the A race with a personal best of 13:55.80 but the 25-year-old feels he is under-achieving on the track at the moment.
His winning margin of 1.39sec does not reflect his dominance as he led by 50 metres at one stage before his long, solo run took its toll in the closing two laps and both 21-year-old John McDonnell (13:57.19) and Stephen Scullion, with a PB of 13:58.55, closed him down.
“I started quick behind the pacemaker and felt good but then I had to go out on my own and felt that in the last two laps,” said Taylor.
“To be honest I was hoping for 13:45 this evening but I can’t be too disappointed. I’ll stick to the steeplechase at the trials but I was very disappointed with my run at Loughborough.”
There were 11 PBs from the 22 finishers, the most notable of which was 18-year-old Michel Callegari, whose time of 14:21.53 in 17th was inside the European U20 qualifying standard of 14:25.00.
There were PBs for the B & C race winners with 20-year-old William Gray clocking 14:25.17 to win the former and 22-year-old Sean Fontana 14:46.88 the latter.

The eight women who turned up for the steeplechase were all rewarded with personal bests. Sweden’s 19-year-old Maria Larsson set the tone as she sped to a new national U20 record of 9:56.50 which must mark her out as a genuine medal contender at the European Juniors.
Tipton’s Saran Benson was runner-up in 10:23.31 and 18-year-old Katie ingle of Royal Sutton Coldfield ran 10:31.47 in fourth, a time that was only just outside the European u20 qualifying mark of 10:30.

Race : 13 BMC 800m A (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 6 01:47.79 Rory Graham-watson Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow /
2 7 01:48.14 Oliver Aitchison U23 Aldershot Farnham & District
3 9 01:48.28 Joseph Maynard Cardiff
4 8 01:48.30 Richard Charles U20 Shaftesbury Barnet
5 1 01:49.38 Paul Goodall City Of Norwich / Loughborough Un
6 5 01:49.58 Guy Learmonth U23 Lasswade / Loughborough Uni
7 3 01:50.11 Johan Svensson Sweden
8 4 01:50.30 Sean Molloy U20 Tonbridge
. Race : 3 BMC 800m B (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 17 01:49.27 Jake Wightman U20 Edinburgh Ac / Loughborough Uni
2 12 01:49.27 Chris Warburton Notts / Loughborough Uni
3 16 01:50.60 Jordan Bransberg U20 Skyrac
4 14 01:50.85 Nick Jensen U23 Denmark
5 18 01:51.00 Carl Hill Aberdare Valley
6 10 01:51.75 Donald Macleod Stornoway / Glasgow Caledonian Un
7 13 01:52.03 Louis Rawlings U20 Cambridge & Coleridge
8 15 01:53.48 Ed Aston Birchfield H / Birmingham Uni
. Race : 4 BMC 800m C (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 25 01:51.82 Graeme Oudney Harrow / Pitreavie / Dundee Uni
2 20 01:52.17 Mark Patterson U23 North Down / Loughborough Uni / Ire
3 27 01:52.70 Mihn Kyun Cho U20 Denmark
4 21 01:52.77 Stephen Bennett Preston / Loughborough Uni
5 22 01:52.97 James Lamswood U20 Kingston Upon Hull
6 23 01:53.80 Sam Dykes U23 Warrington / Loughborough Uni
7 26 01:54.59 Warren Frey Birchfield H
8 392 01:55.24 Tom Guy City Of Stoke
. Race : 10 BMC 800m D (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 36 01:52.24 Luke Betts U23 Sale Harriers Manchester
2 30 01:52.68 Jamie Webb U20 Liverpool H / Manchester Metropol
3 33 01:52.99 Jordan Donnelly Woodford Green Essex Ladies / Bru
4 32 01:53.09 Daniel Gurton U20 Vale Of Aylesbury / Birmingham Un
5 29 01:53.40 Daniel Cheeseman U23 City Of York / St. Mary's Uni
6 35 01:53.42 Christopher Youell U20 Chelmsford / Bath Uni
7 37 01:53.88 Kyran Roberts U20 Carmarthen
8 34 01:54.83 Jonathan Monk U20 Leicester
9 28 01:55.65 Steven Morrow Liverpool H / Ballymena & Antrim
10 31 02:03.41 Nzimah Akpan U20 Liverpool H
. Race : 12 BMC 800m E (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 41 01:51.96 Cameron Boyek U23 Shildon
2 45 01:54.45 Paul White Middlesbrough (mandale)
3 39 01:54.46 Sean Reilly Central / Forth Valley
4 43 01:54.71 Ben Everson U20 Trafford
5 40 01:54.91 Scott Greeves U20 City Of Norwich
6 44 01:55.95 Chris Mcgahan U20 Sale Harriers Manchester
7 42 01:57.53 Dominic Chambers U20 Derby
. Race : 9 BMC 800m F (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 47 01:53.04 Jamaine Coleman U20 Preston
2 50 01:53.16 Mark Fallaize Vale Of Aylesbury / Leeds Metropo
3 49 01:54.30 David Banwell-clode U23 Cwmbran / Warwick Uni
4 52 01:55.45 Jonathan Hiorns Notts / Nottingham Uni
5 51 01:56.52 Jack Killip U20 Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow
6 48 01:56.87 Frederik Furstenberg U23 Denmark
7 46 01:57.38 Stephen Mackay U23 Inverness
8 53 01:58.20 Michael Wilson U20 Sunderland
. Race : 2 BMC 800m G (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 59 01:52.04 Tom Watson U23 Central / Edinburgh Uni / Forth Val
2 55 01:54.31 Grant Muir U23 Giffnock North / Glasgow Caledoni
3 62 01:54.32 Jake Littlehales U23 Stockport
4 60 01:55.38 James Mills Cardiff
5 58 01:56.19 Jack Robertson U20 Scarborough
6 54 01:56.21 Michael Batiste Guernsey / St. Mary's Uni
7 56 01:57.19 Ryan Cox Birchfield H
8 61 01:57.75 James Miller Cheltenham / Police
9 57 01:58.28 James Griffiths Vale Royal / Loughborough Uni
. Race : 5 BMC 800m H (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 67 01:54.92 Oliver James U20 Sunderland / City Of Sheffield
2 69 01:55.36 Ryan Buck U23 City Of York
3 63 01:56.20 Lee Wilson U23 Shettleston
4 66 01:57.24 Oliver Stringer U23 Leigh / Edge Hill Uni
5 65 01:57.58 Alex Jones U23 Enfield & Haringey / Loughborough
6 70 02:00.83 Efthymios Papadopoulos Cannock & Stafford
7 64 02:01.56 Adam Magowan U23 Stirling Uni
8 71 02:08.60 Andrew Miles U20 Vale Royal / Central Lancashire U
. Race : 14 BMC 800m A (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 76 02:05.18 Loren Bleaken U20 Team Bath
2 74 02:06.06 Carolyn Plateau Radley / Loughborough Uni / Blackhe
3 77 02:06.25 Rebecca Linney U23 Liverpool H / Birmingham Uni
4 72 02:06.30 Molly Long U17 Bristol & West / Truro School
5 75 02:06.33 Chelsea Jarvis U20 Stockport
6 73 02:07.45 Katie Snowden U20 Herne Hill / Nottingham Uni
7 78 02:10.58 Kaylee Dodd U20 Basildon
. Race : 11 BMC 800m B (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 82 02:06.41 Trine Mjaaland Norway
2 79 02:07.15 Hedda Hynne Norway
3 83 02:07.29 Sarah Mcdonald U23 Jarrow & Hebburn / Birmingham Uni
4 85 02:07.44 Yngvild Elvemo Norway
5 80 02:08.07 Alexandra Bell U23 Pudsey & Bramley / Leeds Metropol
6 86 02:10.17 Alex Turner U23 Amber Valley / Nottingham Trent U
7 84 02:10.84 Mari Smith U17 Leicester
. Race : 6 BMC 800m C (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 92 02:07.91 Emily Jenkinson U20 Southampton
2 89 02:07.91 Jenny Tan U23 Fife / Kingdom Athletics / Dundee U
3 90 02:08.08 Georgie Hartigan U20 Coventry
4 87 02:08.60 Kathryn Evans Inverness / Edinburgh Ac
5 91 02:08.86 Dagmar Faester Olsen U20 Denmark
6 93 02:08.89 Emma Leask U23 Shetland / Guernsey
7 94 02:11.27 Caelidh Ross U17 Leicester
8 88 02:11.38 Dani Cocking Cardiff / Cardiff Uni
. Race : 15 BMC 800m D (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 99 02:09.40 Megan Edwards Dartford H
2 96 02:11.07 Sally Smith U20 Wakefield / Leeds Metropolitan Un
3 97 02:12.29 Josefine Rytter U20 Denmark
4 100 02:12.80 Kajsa Barr U23 Sweden
5 98 02:13.96 Jade Allen Rotherham
6 101 02:14.71 Natalie Whitty Guernsey
. Race : 8 BMC 800m E (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 102 02:13.29 Kelsey Stewart U17 Banchory Stonehaven
2 109 02:13.32 Kelly Rushton City Of Norwich
3 107 02:13.84 Hollie Parker U17 Cambridge & Coleridge
4 108 02:14.08 Alexandra Johansen U20 Denmark
5 105 02:14.49 Grace Maddox U17 Preston
6 103 02:14.65 Maria H.b Andersen U17 Denmark
7 106 02:15.78 Lucy Hayes U20 City Of Stoke
8 110 02:18.00 Helen Waters U23 West Suffolk / Birmingham Uni
. Race : 1 BMC 800m F (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 118 02:15.90 Philippa Stone U17 Middlesbrough (mandale)
2 112 02:16.28 Lucy Sumner U23 Preston
3 113 02:16.63 Naomi Collier U20 Grantham Ac
4 114 02:18.50 Abigail Linney U17 Liverpool H
5 111 02:18.75 Lucy Parker U15 Cambridge & Coleridge
6 115 02:20.68 Bethany Blackwell U17 Preston
7 117 02:20.97 Hannah Delaney U17 Liverpool H
. Race : 17 BMC 1500m A (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 132 03:41.10 Philip Hurst Elswick / Sunderland Uni
2 124 03:41.87 Tom Marshall Cardiff / Tulsa Uni
3 120 03:42.25 Richard Weir Derby / Staffordshire Uni
4 125 03:42.29 Eoin Everard Kilkenny / Northumbria Uni / Irelan
5 131 03:42.50 Darren Mcbrearty U23 Letterkenny / Ireland
6 128 03:42.53 Frank Baddick Newham & Essex Beagles / Loughbor
7 119 03:43.08 James Mcmurray U20 St. Albans Ac / St. Albans Stride
8 122 03:43.26 Matt Mclaughlin U20 Woodford Green Essex Ladies / Oak
9 129 03:43.34 Alex Cornwell U23 Woodford Green Essex Ladies / Bir
10 126 03:44.05 Liam Markham U23 Ennis Track / Newham & Essex Beag
11 123 03:44.97 Andrew Butchart U23 Central
12 127 03:49.73 Stephen Davies Belgrave / Cardiff
13 130 03:52.47 Steve Mitchell Bristol & West / Bristol Uni / Hels
14 121 03:54.05 Matt Bergin U23 Bedford & County / Brunel Uni
. Race : 20 BMC 1500m B (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 139 03:44.19 Shaun Wyllie U20 Bracknell Ac
2 144 03:44.52 Alastair Hay Central / Thames Valley / Queen Mar
3 148 03:44.74 Ross Millington Stockport / New Mexico Uni
4 136 03:45.00 Andrew Heyes Hallamshire / Tulsa Uni
5 149 03:46.19 Dan Garbutt Durham / Leeds Metropolitan Uni
6 138 03:46.64 Adam Cotton U23 Birchfield H / Harvard Uni
7 140 03:46.97 Ben Coldray U23 Stroud / St. Mary's Uni
8 134 03:48.04 James Thie Cardiff / UWIC
9 143 03:48.26 Nick Hooker Leeds City / Leeds Metropolitan U
10 133 03:48.51 Matthew Shirling U20 Liverpool H
11 147 03:49.11 Stephen Emery Coventry / Adams State Uni
12 137 03:50.29 Luke Gunn Derby
13 145 03:50.99 Jack Hallas U23 Wakefield / Leeds Metropolitan Un
14 141 03:53.14 Kieran Reilly U23 Tonbridge
15 146 03:56.46 Luke Carroll U23 Cheltenham / Illinois Uni
. Race : 21 BMC 1500m C (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 157 03:45.70 Alex Tovey Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow /
2 163 03:45.76 Daniel Studley U23 Bristol & West / Oxford Brookes U
3 159 03:45.85 Steven Fennell Tonbridge
4 164 03:46.64 Richard Morrell Morpeth / Teeside Uni
5 160 03:46.72 Lewis Lloyd U20 Herne Hill / Cambridge Uni
6 155 03:46.76 Ian Williamson Birchfield H / Edinburgh Ac / Lough
7 161 03:47.42 Andy Wiles New Marske / Liverpool H
8 165 03:48.05 Luke Minns Blackpool Wyre & Fylde / Central
9 158 03:48.11 Michael Ward U20 Cardiff
10 162 03:49.21 Josh Norman U23 Owls Leicester / Leeds Metropolit
11 151 03:51.07 Sam Mitchell Notts / Royal Air Force / Worcester
12 153 03:51.34 Shane Fitzsimons U20 Mullingar / Ireland
13 152 03:52.24 Johnathan Morgan Newport / UWIC / Southampton
14 150 03:53.77 George Duggan U17 Tonbridge
15 154 04:00.35 Graham Hogg Trafford / Leeds Metropolitan Uni
. Race : 22 BMC 1500m D (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 173 03:48.92 Kevin Bell Border
2 166 03:49.08 Ben Martin Trafford
3 169 03:49.60 Charlie Hulson U23 Sale Harriers Manchester
4 179 03:50.33 William Paulson U20 Stroud
5 171 03:52.02 Robbie Fitzgibbon U20 Brighton Phoenix
6 177 03:52.09 Nick Samuels Sale Harriers Manchester / Loughb
7 172 03:52.27 Andrew Stanton Gateshead / Birmingham Uni
8 174 03:52.79 Luca Russo U23 Tonbridge / St. Mary's Uni
9 168 03:53.68 Matthew Grieve U23 Border / Leeds Metropolitan Uni / N
10 175 03:54.15 Ryan Stephenson Morpeth
11 394 03:55.57 Jack Walker Giffnock North
12 167 03:55.67 Josh Trigwell U23 Exeter
13 178 03:55.95 James West U20 Tonbridge
14 170 03:56.60 Ronny Wilson U23 Lincoln Wellington / University O
15 176 03:57.27 Michael Wood U23 Leeds City / St. Mary's Uni
. Race : 23 BMC 1500m E (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 185 03:53.36 Stuart King Mansfield / Leeds Metropolitan Un
2 192 03:53.68 Nicholas Lingley U23 Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow /
3 187 03:53.95 Ryan Moore U20 Sale Harriers Manchester
4 190 03:54.13 Luke Johnston U20 Warrington
5 183 03:55.56 Scott Pilkington Corstorphine / Napier Uni
6 182 03:55.96 Paddy Radley U23 Owls Leicester / Bath Uni
7 189 03:56.32 Brett Halliwell U23 Stroud / Yate
8 184 03:56.66 Patrick Dever U17 Preston
9 181 03:57.19 Lloyd Heckler U20 Carmarthen
10 180 03:57.39 Kelvin Gomez U23 Loughborough Uni / Gibraltar
11 188 03:59.68 Mark Haskett Thames Valley / Aberdeen
12 191 04:06.18 Aaron Phelps U23 Stroud
. Race : 26 BMC 1500m F (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 196 03:55.74 Michael Vennard U20 Vale Royal
2 200 03:57.09 Ben Sutherland U20 Wycombe
3 201 03:58.31 Jac Hopkins U17 Swansea
4 202 03:58.88 Nathan Reed U23 Sunderland / Newcastle Uni
5 198 03:59.18 David Sheldon U20 City Of Stoke
6 208 03:59.44 Mike Cummings Herne Hill / Hardley
7 199 03:59.94 Josh Tighe Northumberland Fell Runners / Bla
8 197 04:00.04 Kris Everett-arnarsson U23 Hastings Ac
9 195 04:00.25 George Buttery U23 Charnwood / Loughborough Uni
10 205 04:01.36 Gavin Mcardle U17 Kilbarchan
11 204 04:02.60 Jack Gregory U23 Reading Ac / Southampton Uni
12 209 04:04.74 Sam Densham U23 Charnwood / Loughborough Uni
13 207 04:09.41 Thomas Richardson U20 Basildon
14 194 04:10.89 Kerrick Hesse U23 Shettleston / Scb Berlin / Glasgow
15 210 04:11.16 Faron Hesse Scb Berlin / Imperial College / Ger
16 203 04:14.40 Alistair Smith Coventry
17 206 04:15.86 Jack Gleave U20 Warrington
. Race : 27 BMC 1500m G (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 220 03:59.37 Jack Nixon U20 Stockport
2 221 03:59.83 Richard Powell U20 Trafford
3 218 04:00.30 Thomas Walker U23 Gosforth Harriers
4 222 04:00.42 Elliot Bowker U17 Vale Royal
5 216 04:01.15 James Bleakley V35 Trafford
6 223 04:03.82 Stephen Morris Cardiff / Federation Of Disabilit
7 224 04:04.72 Jeremy Barnes U17 Coventry
8 219 04:05.37 Andrew Kaar Birchfield H
9 217 04:05.51 Howard Thompson U23 Kingston Upon Hull / Loughborough
10 212 04:05.59 Richard Evans U20 Wirral
11 214 04:05.91 Matthew Wigelsworth U17 Warrington
12 227 04:06.69 Lloyd Kempson U20 Nene Valley
13 226 04:07.48 Abdulquani Sharif U17 Liverpool H
14 213 04:10.11 Andrew Warburton Notts / Loughborough Uni
15 215 04:14.36 Matthew Sheen U17 Vale Royal
. Race : 18 BMC 1500m A (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 241 04:12.25 Laura Crowe An Riocht / Ireland
2 237 04:14.74 Morag Maclarty Central / Dundee Uni
3 238 04:16.38 Racheal Bamford Otley
4 235 04:16.61 Claire Tarplee Solihull & Small Heath / Dundrum
5 231 04:17.41 Claire Gibson Kilbarchan
6 236 04:17.73 Montana Jones Aldershot Farnham & District
7 230 04:18.27 Jacqueline Fairchild Trafford
8 229 04:18.78 Amy Campbell Shaftesbury Barnet / Loughborough
9 228 04:22.54 Lovisa Lindh U23 Sweden
10 234 04:24.97 Matylda Szlezak Marshall Milton Keynes / Poland
11 240 04:26.97 Melissa Courtney U23 Shaftesbury Barnet / Brunel Uni / P
12 239 04:27.80 Kate Holt U23 City Of Stoke
13 232 04:28.06 Ashley Gibson Morpeth / Gateshead
. Race : 19 BMC 1500m B (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 243 04:27.70 Olivia Sadler U20 Bristol & West / Columbia Uni
2 252 04:28.69 Sarah Mercier Guernsey
3 254 04:29.30 Samantha Johnson Rotherham / Leeds Metropolitan Un
4 242 04:29.43 Harriet Knowles-jones U17 Warrington
5 245 04:29.85 Molly Renfer U23 Kingston & Poly / Harvard Uni / Swi
6 253 04:30.71 Jade Williams U23 Amman Valley / Cornell
7 249 04:31.63 Laura Dunn Edinburgh Ac
8 251 04:33.92 Eleanor Alexander Southampton / Clonliffe / Ireland
9 246 04:33.99 Line Schulz U20 Denmark
10 255 04:37.28 Becky Straw U20 Birchfield H
11 244 04:38.62 Amy Hinchly U17 Vale Royal
12 250 04:48.46 Eilidh Mackenzie Stornoway / Heriot-watt Uni
. Race : 24 BMC 1500m C (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 265 04:30.35 Natalie Shaw Derby
2 270 04:31.65 Tamara Armoush U23 Birchfield H / Birmingham Uni
3 269 04:32.87 Hannah Nuttall U17 Charnwood
4 260 04:33.55 Tessa Mccormick U20 Vale Royal
5 247 04:35.83 Beatriz Valiente Vena Spain
6 267 04:36.10 Helen Singleton Wakefield
7 262 04:36.32 Katy Wood U20 City Of York
8 285 04:36.37 Rochelle Harrison Lincoln
9 257 04:37.58 Louise Rudd V35 Stockport / Lytham St. Annes / Nort
10 263 04:37.82 Georgia Garner U20 Colwyn Bay
11 264 04:38.27 Jodie Spencer Vale Royal / Chester Uni
12 256 04:38.49 Katie Gerrard U17 Vale Royal
13 266 04:39.14 Chloe Cowan U17 Giffnock North / Team West
14 259 04:45.26 Rebecca Killip U17 Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow
15 258 04:49.27 Megan Davies U20 Sale Harriers Manchester
. Race : 25 BMC 1500m D (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 279 04:38.92 Melanie Wood U23 Aldershot Farnham & District
2 283 04:41.00 Georgia Ball U23 Lincoln Wellington / St. Mary's U
3 284 04:41.25 Georgia Malir U20 Ilkley
4 277 04:42.47 Emily Beedham Trafford
5 278 04:43.78 Danielle Webb U17 Liverpool H
6 282 04:43.91 Kate Moulds U20 Vale Royal
7 281 04:44.25 Stacie Taylor U20 Kilmarnock / Glasgow Sch Of Sport
8 273 04:45.00 Sarah Griffiths U23 Leigh / Birmingham Uni
9 276 04:45.34 Ella Shirley U17 Leicester
10 280 04:45.73 Naomi Richardson U20 Coventry
11 275 04:47.88 Sophia Brennan U17 Liverpool H
12 274 05:05.44 Catrina Thomas U17 Lincoln Wellington
. Race : 28 BMC 5000m A (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 295 13:55.80 Jonathan Taylor Morpeth / Teeside Uni
2 296 13:57.19 John Mcdonnell U23 Luton / St. Mary's Uni
3 308 13:58.55 Stephen Scullion North Belfast / Aldershot Farnha
4 293 14:02.89 Matthew Hynes North York Moors / Middlesbrough
5 291 14:03.25 Michael Nielsen Denmark
6 287 14:03.94 Matthew Bowser Lincoln Wellington / Loughborough
7 289 14:05.66 Jakub Nowak Poland
8 304 14:05.88 Simon Horsfield Sale Harriers Manchester
9 300 14:06.15 Jack Goodwin U23 Bedford & County / Bedfordshire U
10 299 14:06.87 Mark Hanrahan Leevale / Ireland
11 302 14:07.60 Eddie Mcginley Liverpool H / Annadale / Ireland
12 294 14:10.58 Borja Jeronimo Garcia Martinez Spain
13 292 14:15.20 Jonathan Hay U23 Aldershot Farnham & District / B
14 301 14:17.37 Joe Townsend Leeds City / Birmingham Uni
15 309 14:18.69 Aaron Scott Notts / Nene Valley
16 298 14:21.19 Patrick Martin Stockport
17 303 14:21.53 Michael Callegari U20 Shaftesbury Barnet
18 306 14:23.50 Carl Smith Leeds City / Birmingham Uni
19 288 14:24.62 Audun Nordtveit Norway
20 305 14:36.02 Ian Bailey U23 Aldershot Farnham & District
21 290 14:42.55 Adam Clarke U23 Aldershot Farnham & District / S
22 307 15:04.09 Jonathan Wills Leeds City
. Race : 30 BMC 5000m B (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 318 14:25.17 William Gray U23 Brighton & Hove / Birmingham Uni
2 325 14:27.34 Andrew Agnew Annadale
3 316 14:28.87 Alexander Hendry U23 Central / Forth Valley
4 314 14:29.29 Jack Martin Stockport
5 326 14:29.72 Kevin Seaward Cardiff
6 322 14:30.07 Adrian Holliday Tipton
7 320 14:31.38 Paolo Natali Cambridge Uni / Italy
8 349 14:34.08 John Eves Bedford
9 393 14:34.80
10 319 14:36.07 Tom Hook U20 City Of Norwich
11 330 14:36.48 Edward Shepherd U23 Woodford Green Essex Ladies / Bir
12 332 14:36.68 James Douglas Border / Loughborough Uni
13 313 14:37.93 Douglas Selman Corstorphine / Edinburgh Ac / Dunde
14 333 14:44.78 Alan Buckley V35 Leeds City
15 312 14:48.41 Daniel Woodgate U23 Luton / St. Mary's Uni
16 331 14:48.86 Andrew Ridley U23 Colchester H / Birmingham Uni
17 334 14:50.66 Ben Russell Liverpool H / Liverpool Uni
18 317 14:51.85 Matt Janes Bedford & County
19 329 14:54.27 Craig Ruddy Inverclyde / Central
20 321 15:07.15 Dermot Cummins West Waterford / Corstorphine / Ire
21 328 15:11.46 Stephen Hepples Newham & Essex Beagles / Loftus &
22 324 15:17.21 Mathew Jackson U23 Liverpool H / Birmingham Uni
23 327 15:23.58 Sebastian Duffy City Of Stoke
24 311 15:27.13 Karl Billington U23 Blackburn / St. Mary's Uni
25 315 15:34.22 Henry Pearce U20 Tonbridge / Loughborough Uni
. Race : 7 BMC 5000m C (Mens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 344 14:46.88 Sean Fontana Victoria Park City Of Glasgow / G
2 347 14:50.24 Stuart Gibson Cambuslang / Whitemoss
3 335 14:52.82 Eoghan Totten U23 Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow /
4 352 14:53.03 Josh Entwhistle City Of Norwich / Oxford Brookes
5 353 14:53.42 Andrew Norman Altrincham
6 341 14:53.89 Richard Burney V35 Liverpool H
7 357 14:57.00 Sam Ashcroft Ealing Southall & Middx / Cambri
8 354 14:57.98 Thomas Traviss-pollard U20 Holmfirth / Loughborough Uni
9 340 14:59.96 Nathaniel Quigley Luton / Birmingham Uni
10 337 15:03.93 Chris Perry Vale Royal / Loughborough Uni / Liv
11 339 15:04.56 Mike Burrett V35 Leeds City
12 338 15:05.53 Stuart Robinson Salford H / Blackpool Wyre & Fyl
13 343 15:09.51 Jack Morris U23 Stockport
14 356 15:16.20 Tom Holden Tipton
15 346 15:19.28 David Rigby Preston / Loughborough Uni
16 345 15:33.49 Joe Gratton U23 Hallamshire / Birmingham Uni
17 351 15:42.78 Josh Lunn U23 Bedford & County
18 350 15:50.59 Dan Hogg Lincoln Wellington
. Race : 29 BMC 5000m A (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 369 15:35.82 Emelia Gorecka U20 Aldershot Farnham & District / R
2 363 15:38.30 Dominika Nowakowska Poland
3 361 15:39.47 Laura Whittle Royal Sutton Coldfield / Loughbor
4 372 15:46.16 Annie Bersagel United States
5 359 15:49.41 Kate Avery U23 Shildon / Iona Col
6 365 15:54.79 Agnieszka Ciolek-mierzejewska Poland
7 367 15:55.68 Sonia Samuels Wallsend / Loughborough Uni
8 373 15:59.97 Rebecca Weston U20 Invicta East Kent
9 370 16:00.10 Alyson Dixon Sunderland Strollers / Sunderland
10 364 16:09.66 Beth Potter U23 Shaftesbury Barnet / Loughborough
11 366 16:11.81 Lily Partridge U23 Aldershot Farnham & District / D
12 362 16:12.37 Sara Sig Moller Denmark
13 368 16:12.68 Dominkia Napieraj U23 Poland
14 382 16:17.64 Elspeth Curran Kilbarchan / Glasgow Uni
15 358 16:29.27 Amanda Crook Southport Waterloo / Edge Hill Un
16 379 16:30.43 Elin Borglund U23 Sweden
17 375 16:30.88 Alex Clay U20 Invicta East Kent
18 378 16:46.17 Katie Good U23 Stockport / Manchester Uni / Thames
19 377 16:50.94 Nina Persson U23 Sweden
20 376 16:52.47 Josephine Stone Middlesbrough (mandale)
21 374 16:55.88 Jo Hickman-dunne U23 Loughborough Uni
22 360 17:15.73 Iona Lake U23 City Of Norwich / Birmingham Uni
. Race : 16 BMC 3000SCW A (Womens)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 389 09:56.50 Maria Larsson U20 Sweden
2 390 10:23.31 Sarah Benson Tipton / Edinburgh Ac
3 388 10:23.99 Maria Borglund U23 Sweden
4 386 10:31.47 Katie Ingle U20 Royal Sutton Coldfield
5 385 10:45.42 Laura Riches U23 Leigh / Birmingham Uni
6 384 10:47.75 Emily Brown Cardiff / UWIC
7 383 10:49.88 Polly Keen Havant / Cambridge Uni
8 387 11:11.04 Rhianwedd Price U20 Cardiff
. Race : 29 BMC 3000m A (Womens) (official splits within 5000m)
Posn Vest No. Time Name Club
1 381 09:24.99 Bobby Clay U17 Invicta East Kent
2 369 09:25.66 Emelia Gorecka U20 Aldershot Farnham & District / R
3 361 09:25.84 Laura Whittle Royal Sutton Coldfield / Loughbor
4 363 09:25.91 Dominika Nowakowska Poland
5 359 09:26.19 Kate Avery U23 Shildon / Iona Col
6 372 09:26.46 Annie Bersagel United States
7 367 09:29.97 Sonia Samuels Wallsend / Loughborough Uni
8 365 09:30.11 Agnieszka Ciolek-mierzejewska Poland
9 370 09:30.42 Alyson Dixon Sunderland Strollers / Sunderland
10 371 09:30.50 Bronwen Owen U17 Scarborough
11 364 09:32.21 Beth Potter U23 Shaftesbury Barnet / Loughborough
12 366 09:34.27 Lily Partridge U23 Aldershot Farnham & District / D
13 373 09:37.25 Rebecca Weston U20 Invicta East Kent
14 362 09:42.16 Sara Sig Moller Denmark
15 382 09:43.28 Elspeth Curran Kilbarchan / Glasgow Uni
16 375 09:43.39 Alex Clay U20 Invicta East Kent
17 368 09:43.60 Dominkia Napieraj U23 Poland
18 358 09:45.10 Amanda Crook Southport Waterloo / Edge Hill Un
19 379 09:52.81 Elin Borglund U23 Sweden
20 378 09:54.42 Katie Good U23 Stockport / Manchester Uni / Thames
21 377 10:02.39 Nina Persson U23 Sweden
22 376 10:02.54 Josephine Stone Middlesbrough (mandale)
23 374 10:02.60 Jo Hickman-dunne U23 Loughborough Uni
24 360 10:10.44 Iona Lake U23 City Of Norwich / Birmingham Uni

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