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1) Name and Objects.
The name of the Organisation shall be the British Milers' Club. The objects of
the organisation shall be:-
2. Membership.
Membership shall be restricted to athletes achieving the Club's entry standards,
qualified coaches, and others deemed to have qualities to promote the objectives
of the Club.
The qualifying standards for entry shall be decided by the General Committee and
approved by the Members at the Annual General Meeting.
Life Membership may be awarded for outstanding performances or services to the
Club. Members to be elected to Life Membership shall be nominated by the General
Committee and approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
All desirous of becoming members shall complete an application form approved by
the National Committee. The Membership Secretary shall have the authority to
admit to membership those who submit a satisfactory application form and make
payment of the required joining fee and first annual subscription.
3. Subscriptions.
The annual subscription rate and joining fee shall be set at the AGM.
Any alteration to the subscription rate shall be approved by a simple majority
of members at a General Meeting.
Any member more than six months in arrears shall be deemed to have forfeited
membership and may not be reinstated until all arrears have been paid up.
4. National Committee.
The Club's business shall be managed by a National Committee - hereinafter
referred to as the Committee.
The Committee shall be elected at the AGM and shall consist of:- Chairman,
Vice-Chairman, National Secretary, Treasurer and the chairs of sub-commitees
proposed by the committee such as academy chairman, competition chairman,
coaching chairman. Up to 8 other members may be elected to the committee.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members or
to replace any of its members.
Committee meetings shall be as and when the Committee thinks necessary.
A quorum of a meeting of the Committee shall consist of five members.
If a quorum is not present within fifteen minutes of the specific commencement
time, the meeting shall be adjourned.
The Chairman shall be entitled to a casting vote in the event of a deadlock.
The Vice-Chairman shall be entitled to act as chairman in the Chairman's
absence. If neither are present at a meeting, the members shall elect an acting
chairman from those members present.
Regional Secretaries may appoint deputies to act in their absence; such deputies
shall not be entitled to vote at Committee meetings.
The Committee shall publish a club magazine at least once a year.
5. Sub-Committees.
The National Committee may delegate to a Sub-Committee, for the day-to-day running
of the Club in relation to:-
6. Presidents and Vice-Presidents.
These positions shall be elected at the AGM. Members so elected may attend and
vote at committee meetings, but will not be liable to pay the annual
7.General Meetings.
The Club shall in each year hold a General Meeting as its Annual General Meeting (AGM),
in addition to any other General Meetings in the year.
The AGM shall be held in any appropriate place as approved by the Committee.
All General Meetings other than the AGM shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings.
Members shall be given at least 28 days notice of the AGM and at least 14 days notice of
Extraordinary General Meetings. All matters for inclusion in the AGM shall be received by
the National Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the National Secretary within 21 days of
the receipt by him of a requisition signed by at least 20 members, stating the business to be
brought forward before such a meeting.
8. Alterations to the Constitution.
The Constitution shall be altered only at a AGM by a two-thirds majority of
members present and voting; proxy votes shall be allowed. Any alteration made
shall take effect immediately.
9. Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting.
The business at the meeting shall be:-
10. Proceedings at Extraordinary General Meetings.
The business of the meeting shall be conducted as directed by the Chairman.
11. Accounts
The Treasurer shall keep an account showing details of all sums of money
received and sent. This account shall be available at each meeting of the
Committee. All outgoing cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer, the Chairman,
or other Officer as authorised by the National Committee.
12. Audit.
A statement of accounts shall be presented at the AGM.
13. Interpretation of the Rules.
The interpretation of the rules shall be the prerogative of the National
14. Dissolution.
In the event of the Club's dissolution its net assets shall be realised and
donated to a charity nominated by a majority of the members at an Extraordinary
General Meeting.